Aadhaar is a 12 digit unique identification number which is used for many purposes like filing income tax, taking admission in school/college and travel etc. Updating it regularly provides validity and accuracy of information, which is essential for accessing government services and preventing fraud. This is the reason why the government is providing this service to its citizens for free.
UIDAI usually charges a small fee for updating Aadhaar. However, if you update your details by June 14, 2025, you will not be charged.
Let us tell you that free Aadhaar update service can be availed only through online portal. If you update your demographic details from an offline centre, you will have to pay the fees prescribed by UIDAI. Demographic data includes name, address, date of birth and mobile number. If you want to update biometric data, such as fingerprints, iris scan or photo, you will have to visit an authorized Aadhaar centre. For this you will be charged a nominal fee.
Below we are explaining how to update Aadhaar online;-
- First of all you have to go to the official website of UIDAI (https://myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/).
- After that you have to login using 12 digit Aadhaar number.
- Now a one-time password (OTP) will be sent to your registered mobile number, which has to be entered.
- Now you have to review the existing identity and address information in your profile.
- If update is required, select the required document type from the drop-down menu.
- Here you have to upload the scanned copy of the valid document in jpg, png or pdf format (less than 2mb).
- Submit your update request now.
Note: To check the progress of your update, save the Service Request Number (SRN) shown on the screen.